Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Aborted Attempts

posted by #3

It's still crappy weather. Yusuf and I've tried to head out to the Holies in So Ill a few times now, but have been thwarted by cold. Instead, I've decided to post some (as I find them) nice TR's.

Here's one from rockclimbing.com - a 12 hour run of climbs in Linville, North Carolina.

Updated 12-12-08
Here's another, written by someone who seems to be an Euro, about climbing in Kalymnos, Greece.

BTW, the weather looks... possible... tomorrow. Might get to head out.

Oh, and here's a random idea for Xmas gifts: custom chalkbags - you can choose your designs and support a worthy cause (esp if you like animals). Check it out: www.emmasews.com/WPages/chalkbag.htm

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