Friday, March 16, 2012

Climbing my first 5.1X or Xth grade (for you French graders)

Nice post from James Pearson on admitting wanting to hit the next grade. In his case, .14d or 9a (the "9th" grade). I dare say everyone succumbs to these thoughts from time to time, no matter how strenuously we argue otherwise. Perhaps that's why we climb so many shite lines? Perhaps I speak only for myself.

Anyways, we're back to the Falls tomorrow. Tony's damn close on Red Corvette, .13a and one-falling it almost every time. I've been making some surprising links on it, so it now feels more doable than not. Still a long ways away for me. Fun climbing.

1 comment:

Sof the Froggy said...

ah ah Calvin How funny that you posted that just before this we! Not 14 but I'll take it!