Thursday, August 27, 2009

Exercise (Cure?) for Tennis/Golf Elbow - Lateral (Outside) & Medial (Inside) Epicondylitis

If you've climbed for any length of time, you've experienced elbow problems. As a group, it's no surprise to us that we're particularly susceptible to overuse injuries; think of all the finger pulley problems, wrist/ankle and shoulder issues, etc.

A NYtimes article has shown demonstrable success by researchers from the Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.

"After less than two months of treatment, the researchers terminated the experiment. The early results had been too unfair. The control group had showed little or no improvement. But the rubber-bar-using group effectively had been cured. Those patients reported an 81 percent improvement in their elbow pain and a 72 percent improvement in strength."

The best part? It's "effective and supremely cheap."

Check out this vid on how to perform the exercise (lateral epicondylitis):

Here's a link to purchase the Theraband Flexbar. I think I'm going to buy one soon.

Here's an updated vid for medial epiconylitis "Golfer's Elbow"

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