Saturday, June 26, 2010

Miles to go before I sleep...

My summer of climbing has come to an abrupt end. Unfortunately, on our first day out on the rock, my partner took a bad trad fall. We were climbing a right facing 3 pitch 5.7 dihedral. On pitch two, he attempted the 5.9- offwidth variation, and fell out of the top of the crack, with just a 0.5 and 0.4 BD camalot below him. A 35' crash into the corner left him with large bruises, abrasions and a sprained ankle. After a few days rest and perspective, we decided to cancel the climbing trip, since we wouldn't be able to climb much, if at all.

I spent some time reflecting and thinking - the goal for the summer was to challenge myself, to find new boundaries. A big wall seemed like the perfect opportunity. I thought about heading to the valley to meet up with other climbers, and pursue a few lines, but the accident really helped me realize that we need climbing partners not when things are good, but when they are bad. I have no doubt that there are some talented climbers in the valley, waiting to find a good partner. My head, and heart, just weren't into this situation.

I've decided instead to hike the Colorado Trail, 483 miles from Denver to Durango. I will be traveling light (my pack, without food and water, is just 15.5 pounds), so I hope to move fast and far. This is a much different opportunity to spend time in the mountains, but I think the wilderness connection will be stronger, the challenges a bit more diverse.

We'll catch up again in three weeks time! Until then - Cheers!


Sof the Froggy said...

Hey Craig, Sorry about your friend and really glad to know he is OK. I like you very philosophical outlook on the whole thing and applaud your decision. The Pacific Trail sounds so good (especially right now writing in the STL steamy hot weather) I know, no matter what you'll have some good tales to tell. Cannot wait. Walk on my friend and feel your soul.

Unknown said...

Keep on keepin on! The walls of yosemite will be there to challenge you another day. Breath in the mountain air and gain new perspectives on life. Forks in the road often take us on wondrous adventures!