Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Utah Red Rocks - Temporary Victory

Back in December, Soph posted about the impending sale and development of Utah Red Rocks. See Soph's post.

Thanks to swift responses and support, the Natural Resources Defense Council (with celebrity head Robert Redford) filed for and received a temporary restraining order. I emphasize temporary, as another hearing will be held in 2009 to determine if the TRO should be made permanent or overturned.

For those of you not interested in the legal complexities - let me summarize. This is just a brief hiatus. From here, the NRDC must submit arguments to convince the judge to make the TRO a permanent restraining order, OR, the Obama Administration must undo the sale of Red Rocks. You can follow this in more detail on the NRDC website.

As a final note - I'm usually for the preservation and responsible conservation of pristine wilderness areas. As a nation, we need to balance our energy needs against the continued exploitation of our natural resources, and I hope we can find a responsible way to do that.

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