Monday, October 6, 2008

An Ode to Petit Chou (Marion, a.k.a "Little Cabbage")

Posted by Saucisson #3.

In the summer of 2008, a young, slightly crazy French girl embarked upon a journey to St. Louis. Her mission, to find Saucisson #1 (her aunt), to explore America and her denizens, have fun, climb rock and maybe... find love and enduring friendships.

Here is my ode to Little Cabbage.

Oh Chou! Petit Chou! The autumn leaves rustle in the wind. Fall is in the air. The wind, silent, then whispers. If you listen, you can hear it call... 'Mon Chou' echoes in the distance.

Oh Chou! Mon Chou! Are you a gangster? A villain? A person of interest to the feds? Your cryptic smile, stoic in nature, imprinted on the mind of St. Louis.

Oh Chou! Ah Putain! Fais Chier!! What are you looking for? Do you find what you seek? The endless steps. The impermanent beach. The surging waves upon the shore.

Oh Chou! Tu Ments! Merde!! The receding ground. The endless sky. Mr. Bungle stretches before me as I dance up Left Flank. Does your ankle remember its loveliness? Oh, the wisdom of the ancient rock.

Oh Chou! Mon Chou!! Smiles like a wisp, here now, gone then. Canvas - the eyes, the soul, the love of Soph. Where are you now? Oh Chou!

1 comment:

French Petit Chou said...

Oh my little Kimchee!!! You're not possible...
I m very honored! Thank you so much, i m very touched by your wonderful, sublime, fantastic poetry!
I didn't know this side of you sweet Kimchee, i m impressed by your Shakespeareness!

Oh this summer...(sigh)

French Petit Chou