Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Jackson Falls - Oct 26, 2008

posted by Saucisson #3.

Climbers - Sophie, Yusuf, Rob, Calvin, Angie, Little Jon, Tall Tim, Woody and Jared

A large group day. First things first, congrats to Kelly and Cam, who are now engaged. We found out the news - Cam proposed by leaving the ring at the top of Group Therapy .10c, a favorite warmup. Kelly obviously said yes. We didn't get to check out the hardware, as Kelly wisely left it somewhere safe while climbing.

Other notable news: Joey Kreidel and kids are headed to town in a couple weeks. We're excited to hear that and will hopefully be outdoors together when he gets here. There's a few other trips planned to HCR and during Thanksgiving as well.

The group being as large as it was slowed us down during the day, but everyone had a great time. After warming up, we split up along various areas - Yusuf to Emperor of the North .13a, Soph to Galaxy 500 .12a/b and the rest of us to Beaver Wall. I belayed Rob on Who Needs Friends, a favorite and user friendly .12a at Beaver.

Little Jon polished off Frizzle Fry .12b, after last trying it on a trip a couple of weeks ago. Jon is a beast. The guy doesn't climb for the last 2 weeks, then comes and sends Frizzle first try after hanging the draws. If I tried to do that, I wouldn't get very far as my climbing endurance deserts me very quickly during climbing layoffs. The kid is talented; I think he would easily be a hard .13 climber if he devoted a little time to it. But sometimes I think his talent also tones down his motivation. It may come too easily to him.

The rest of us worked on various stuff - Angie sent a 5.9 and .10b that she'd worked on previously (nice job!) and also has become a proficient cleaner. Soph made good progress on Galaxy, and I think her send isn't far off. That climb is very technical and somewhat powerful; it'll be a proud send. I tried it on TR and got beat up.

I've been working on Gobble Juice .12c, and I think I've got it within striking distance. I fell at the second crux, but a few more inches and I think it would have been plausible. We'll see.

Climb on!


JOE said...

I am still coming to town, but after reading some of this blog I am not climbing with Team Saucisson. You guys must be on steroids or some ninja training program, but you are climbing way too hard for me.

Calvin said...

Whatever Joey. One day at the gym and you'll be back sending 12's as usual. Don't wimp out on me.