Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chilly Ranch

Ah yes it was on the chilly side indeed.  But that did not stop the Midwestern climbing posse. No way.  Three days at the Ranch, a dozen or more of us.  What we learned:

Yes indeed it is possible to climb with frozen fingers.  Yes it does involve a lot of crying/wining/making faces....
When the sun is shining on a rock face, and the wind blows in a corridor, the smart climber goes to climb on the sunny face.  No not all of us are that smart! :)
Burke can and did use words which would not meet the approval of the Queen.  
He was also caught having a conversation (animated that is) with himself.
Calvin and Tony learned it is just not human to hold your entire body weight onto a half pad crimp and try to match on it (I could have told them that and save them the suffering he he)
What we learned playing Cranium:
Tony is an artist as long as his eyes are closed.
Sophie can spell backwards (yes it is extremely useful in everyday life...)
Burke knows about planes (!!!)
Drew cannot act Gone With The Wind, but has probably telepathic powers.
Woody has a killer impersonation of Marilyn up his sleeve_or should I say his dress_ (who would have known?)

The feats of the WE:
Talll Tim got his head on and sent The Controversy.  Good for you my friend.
Belinda, climbing for the first time outside, and should I mention for the second time ever... finished Green Goblin on TR.  Impressive.
Carine learned to clean, and led a bunch of routes (first time outside?)...fearless!
Woody crushed every 10 or 11 he put his hands on.
Craig was THE CRUSHER on Saturday and Sunday (11s...12).
Little John impressively worked Cradle of the Deep (13) and got to the top. Tony and Calvin did work on it as well.
These three animals sent Granny Tranny (12a) at the Prophecy (yeah yeah and they made me believe they were climbing The Prophet (14a) he he and I "went" for it_I obviously have way too high of an opinion of that bunch :)_). Nevertheless Granny Tranny has a wicked scary start which was the reason why I did not have the b... to get on it. 
Tony sent a wicked 12b Pride second go, in the frigid corridor of the Land of the Lost.
And then it was the Love Slave saga.  A roof 12a at the Forty, on which all the guys took turns... and yes even I got on it!
Drew, Craig, and Burke (after many conversations with himself) got the send!!!!
Woody was oh so close, and I was a couple of falls from  sending the pump fest.  LJohn filmed the saga from up top!
So this was the WE in short.
Here are all the photos.  Footage to come!


Narc said...

nice photos! makes me want to head back already.

His Tallness said...

Thanks for the props on The Controversy, Sof. That route has been a long time coming. I'm just glad to finally be putting those routes in the 'sent' column, and finally feeling comfortable leaving my last clip below my feet.

I can't wait for another outdoors excursion :)